Chinese Medicine Board of Australia - Annual revision of Nomenclature compendium of commonly used Chinese medicine herbs
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Annual revision of Nomenclature compendium of commonly used Chinese medicine herbs

18 Sep 2018

The annual revision of the Nomenclature compendium of commonly used Chinese herbal medicines (the Compendium) has now been completed by the Chinese Medicine Board of Australia (the Board). The Compendium provides standard terminology to support the Board's Guidelines for safe practice of Chinese herbal medicine.

The Compendium is available on the Board's website on the Guidelines for safe practice of Chinese herbal medicine page.

The Compendium cross-references commonly used Chinese herbs by:

  • authorized pin yin name
  • simplified and traditional Chinese characters
  • all the acceptable botanical/scientific (source species) names
  • pharmaceutical/Latin name
  • common English name
  • type of ingredient, and
  • extra information (e.g restriction/warnings)

While care is taken to ensure that information in the Compendium about herbs subject to the SUSMP or CITES classifications is correct at the time of release of the annual update, the SUSMP and CITES documents are updated periodically and it may be necessary to ensure that the information is correct at the time of use.

The SUSMP is available (TGA link) and the CITES list relevant to Australia is available on (website).

The version of the Compendium published on the Board's website is the authorized, current version. The new document date is 1 September 2018.

Feedback on the Compendium is welcome. To provide feedback please email [email protected].    

Page reviewed 18/09/2018