Chinese Medicine Board of Australia - Quick reference guide for registered Chinese herbal dispensers
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Quick reference guide for registered Chinese herbal dispensers

07 Apr 2017

The Chinese Medicine Board of Australia (the Board) has developed a Quick Reference Guide for Chinese herbal dispensers.

The Quick Reference Guide is now available on the Guidelines for safe practice of Chinese herbal medicine page and contains information to remind you, as a Chinese medicine dispenser of key steps in the dispensing process.

The guide has also been translated into Chinese and is available as a PDF on the above page.

The guide:

  1. Is intended for the consumer audience as well as the dispensers and practitioners
  2. Is in simple flow-chart format, fits on 1 page which can be printed, laminated and displayed in Chinese medicine clinics and dispensaries.

Chinese medicine practitioners are still required to be familiar with the full Guidelines for safe Chinese herbal medicine practice, in particular Appendix 4 of the Guidelines which is titled Management and operation of a Chinese herbal dispensary and supervision of dispensary assistants.

The Guidelines for safe Chinese herbal medicine practice. These guidelines come into full effect from 12 November 2017.

Page reviewed 7/04/2017