Chinese Medicine Board of Australia - Past Consultations
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Past Consultations

Where there are consultations which have closed, they will be shown below along with the individual submissions that were received and considered.

Where there are consultations which are open for input, they will be shown under Current Consultations.

Public Consultation – Review of the Criminal history registration standard

Released: 4 June 2024
Closed: 30 July 2024

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) and the National Boards invited stakeholders to have their say on the draft Criminal history registration standard (the criminal history standard) and supporting documents.

In late 2023, as part of our work to improve public safety in health regulation the National Boards and Ahpra consulted widely on a range of reforms, including a series of questions about the current version of the criminal history standard.

After consideration of all feedback, a draft registration standard and new supporting materials were developed. Stakeholders were invited to again have their say on how we have responded to feedback, the draft changes we have made to the criminal history standard, and the other material we have developed to explain how the standard is applied.

Consultation documents and submissions received are available on the Past Consultations page of the Ahpra website.

Public consultation - Guidelines on patient health records (currently Patient health records guidelines)

Released: 10 April 2024
Closed: 5 June 2024

The Chinese Medicine Board of Australia is reviewing its Patient health records guidelines that applies to all registered Chinese Medicine practitioners.

The Board consulted on the review and proposed changes to the current guidelines.

The consultation paper and attachments below included an overview of the proposed revisions.

Submissions will be published soon.

Public Consultation - Regulation of health practitioners who perform and who advertise non-surgical cosmetic procedures

Released: 27 November 2023
Closed: 1 March 2024 (Consultation was extended for four weeks)

Ahpra and National Boards are reforming the regulation of registered health practitioners who work in the cosmetics sector in Australia, to improve practice and standards, public safety and informed consumer choice.

We consulted on three draft documents below related to the regulation of registered health practitioners who perform and advertise non-surgical cosmetic procedures.

  1. Guidelines for nurses who perform non-surgical cosmetic procedures (nurses practice guidelines – applies to nurses only)
  2. Guidelines for registered health practitioners who perform non-surgical cosmetic procedures (shared practice guidelines – applies to registered health practitioners excluding medical practitioners and nurses)
  3. Guidelines for registered health practitioners who advertise non-surgical cosmetic procedures (advertising guidelines – applies to all registered health practitioners). 

Submissions will be published on the Ahpra website.

Public consultation – Review of the Criminal history registration standard and other work to improve public safety

Released: 3 August 2023
29 September 2023

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) and the National Boards invited stakeholders to have their say as part of a review of the Criminal history registration standard (the criminal history standard).

The review, which was part of the work of our blueprint for reform to strengthen public safety in health regulation, which has a focus on sexual misconduct in healthcare, sought feedback on the current version of the criminal history standard, as well as comments on the future direction of other focus areas of work to improve public safety in health regulation including: 

  • our plan to better explain and publish more information about how we make decisions about criminal history and about professional misconduct by registered health practitioners
  • whether we can publish information about practitioners who are registered again after being removed from practice because of serious professional misconduct, and
  • more support for people who are affected by professional misconduct by registered health practitioners.

The consultation formed phase one of our work to review the Criminal history standard and ensured we received a range of views before a revised criminal history standard is developed and another opportunity is provided for stakeholders to comment (phase two).

Submissions will be published to the Ahpra website.

Public consultation – Two further possible changes to the National Boards’ English language skills requirements

Released: 16 August 2023

Closed: 13 September 2023

The National Boards and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) consulted on two further possible changes to the National Boards’ English language skills (ELS) requirements.The National Boards invited responses to questions about the two further possible changes including specific issues the Medical Board of Australia asked its stakeholders to consider. This consultation did not invite further feedback on proposed changes to the National Board ELS standards that have been previously consulted on.

This was a shorter streamlined consultation process designed to meet timeframes likely expected by Health Ministers. Feedback will be used to inform the final ELS standards National Boards submit to Health Ministers.


From 13 July to 7 September 2022, Ahpra and the National Boards (except the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Board of Australia) publicly consulted on revised English language skills registration standards (the ELS standards). There was broad support from stakeholders for the proposed revised registration standards.

On 30 September 2022, the National Cabinet announced the Independent review of overseas health practitioner regulatory settings (the Kruk review), and in April 2023, the National Cabinet endorsed the interim review report. In line with recommendations within the interim report endorsed by the National Cabinet, the National Boards consulted on two further possible changes to their English language skills requirements: expanding the range of recognised countries and a possible change to one element of the English test results accepted by the National Boards.

Submissions will be published soon.

Public consultation – scheduled review of National scheme accreditation arrangements

Released: 14 December 2022
Closed: 14 February 2023

National Boards and Ahpra are reviewing the current accreditation arrangements for the national health practitioner regulatory scheme to prepare for the next period to mid-2029.

The current accreditation arrangements end on 30 June 2024 for all professions except paramedicine, which end on 30 November 2023. The National Boards and Ahpra intend to complete this scheduled review by May 2023 to inform National Boards’ decisions on arrangements for the next period and provide certainty for the future. The last scheduled review and public consultation on accreditation arrangements was in 2018.

This consultation is a key stage of the review and aims to confirm performance and progress on current accreditation priorities and will inform the priorities for the next period, including how progress in priority areas could be measured.

Public consultation on the English language skills registration standards

Released: 13 July 2022
Closed: 7 September 2022

Ahpra and the National Boards (except the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Board of Australia) carried out a public consultation on revised English language skills registration standards in July 2022.

National Boards invited practitioners, community members, employers, education providers and other stakeholders to give feedback on the standards.

National Boards published a consultation paper that included an overview of the review, proposed changes to the standards, frequently asked questions (FAQs), a literature review and questions to help frame feedback.


To practise safely in Australia, registered health practitioners must have effective English language skills. This includes being able to communicate effectively with patients/clients/consumers and their relatives and carers, collaborate with other health care professionals and keep clear and accurate health records. The National Boards set requirements for English language skills to make sure all registered health practitioners can provide safe care and communicate effectively in English.

The English Language Skills Registration Standard (the ELS standard) is one of the five core registration standards required by all National Boards. It helps to ensure that everyone who registers as a health practitioner in Australia has these skills, regardless of their language background.

Ahpra and the National Boards (except the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Board of Australia) have reviewed their respective ELS standards to ensure that they stay current and keep pace with our changing and dynamic environment.

The review process has included considering available evidence of best practice, international benchmarking and consulting with various stakeholders whose feedback has been taken into account. For more details about the background and review process, please see the consultation paper

Submissions will be published soon.

Public consultation on Guidelines for safe Chinese herbal medicine practice

Released: 4 January 2022
Closed: 4 March 2022

The Chinese Medicine Board of Australia carried out a public consultation on revised Guidelines on safe Chinese herbal medicine practice.

A consultation paper included an overview of the proposed revisions. Links to the consultation papers are available below: 

The revised Guidelines for safe Chinese herbal medicine practice were published on the Safe Chinese herbal medicine webpage on 1 September 2023. The revised Guidelines will take effect on 1 December 2023.

A consultation report is available below:

Submissions received:


Public consultation on Guidelines on infection prevention and control for acupuncture and related practices

Released: 4 January 2022
Closed: 4 March 2022

The Chinese Medicine Board of Australia carried out a public consultation on revised Guidelines on infection prevention and control for acupuncture and related practices.

A consultation paper included an overview of the proposed revisions. Links to the consultation papers are available below:  

The revised Guidelines on infection prevention and control for acupuncture and related practices were published on the infection prevention and control guidelines for acupuncture webpage on 1 September 2023. The revised Guidelines will take effect on 1 December 2023.

A consultation report is available below:

Submissions received:

Public consultation on the review of the shared Code of conduct

Released: 11 May 2021
Closed: 6 July 2021

Ahpra and the 12 National Boards that share a Code of conduct carried out a public consultation on a revised shared Code. The National Boards invited practitioners, stakeholders and the community to give feedback on the revised Code of conduct.

Consultation documents, the Patient and Consumer Health and Safety Impact Assessment and submissions received are available on the Past Consultations page of the Ahpra website.

Public consultation on the proposed Supervised practice framework

Released: 11 September 2019
Closed:  17 December 2019

National Boards (excluding psychology and pharmacy) and Ahpra carried out a public consultation on the proposed Supervised practice framework as part of their project to enable a consistent, responsive and risk-based approach to supervised practice across the National Scheme.

Consultation documents and submissions received are available on the Past Consultations page of the Ahpra website.

Public consultation on the review of the Guidelines for advertising a regulated health service

Released:  11 September 2019
Closed:  26 November 2019

The National Boards and Ahpra carried out a public consultation on the Guidelines for advertising a regulated health service. The guidelines were developed to explain the advertising requirements in the National Law and to help advertisers (including registered health practitioners) to meet these requirements and advertise responsibly. The review is to make sure the guidelines are as contemporary, relevant and effective as possible.

Consultation documents and submissions received are available on the Past Consultations page of the Ahpra website.

Public consultation on the review of the Guidelines for mandatory notifications

The 15 National Boards in the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (the National Scheme) released for public consultation draft guidelines on Mandatory notifications.

Released: 11 September 2019
Closed: 6 November 2019

Consultation documents and submissions received are available on the Past Consultations page of the Ahpra website.

Public consultation on the draft guideline for informing a National Board about where you practise

The Chinese Medicine Board of Australia has published a consultation paper on the draft guideline for informing a National Board about where you practise.

Released: 13 April 2018
Closed: 25 May 2018

Submissions received are available on the Past Consultations page of the AHPRA website.

Public consultation on the draft revised registration standards for professional indemnity insurance arrangements, continuing professional development and recency of practice

Released: 13 March 2018
Closed: 4 May 2018

Submissions will be published soon.

Public consultation on draft Guidelines for health record keeping

The Chinese Medicine Board of Australia released for public consultation its draft Guidelines for health record keeping.

Released: 30 July 2015
Closed: 24 September 2015

Submissions will be published soon.

Public consultation on draft Registration Standard: Limited registration for teaching or research

The Chinese Medicine Board of Australia released for public consultation draft Registration Standard: Limited registration for teaching or research. 

Released: Friday 19 December 2014
Closed: Friday 13 February 2015

Submissions received:

Public consultation on draft Guidelines for the regulatory management of registered health practitioners and students infected with blood-borne viruses

National Boards released for public consultation draft guidelines on the regulatory management of registered health practitioners and students infected with blood-borne viruses.

Released: 24 July 2014 
Closed: 26 September 2014

Submissions received will be available on the Past Consultations page of the AHPRA website.

Public consultation on the draft Supervision Guidelines for Chinese medicine practitioners

The Chinese Medicine Board of Australia has undertaken public consultation on its draft Supervision Guidelines for Chinese medicine practitioners.

Released: 5 June 2014
Closed: 31 July 2014

Submissions received:

Public consultation on draft Guidelines for safe Chinese herbal medicine practice

Update on this consultation as at 11 September 2014:

Thank you to those who have made submissions to the Board’s recent public consultation on Guidelines for safe Chinese herbal medicine practice. The Board has received many submissions which are numerous and complex. The analysis and formulation of options for moving forward will take some time. In order to ensure an effective and viable outcome the Board has decided to form a ‘Technical Advisory Group’. Please see this news item for further information on how these guidelines will be assessed and progressed.

The Chinese Medicine Board of Australia has undertaken public consultation on its draft Guidelines for safe Chinese herbal medicine practice.

Released: 28 May 2014
Closed: 23 July 2014

Submissions received

Public consultation on a review of the English language skills and Criminal history registration standards

National Boards have undertaken public consultation on a review of the English language skills and Criminal history registration standards.

Released: 25 October 2013
Closed: 23 December 2013  

Submissions received will be available on the Past Consultations page of the AHPRA website.



International criminal history checks - further public consultation

All National Boards have undertaken further public consultation on a proposal to refine international criminal history checks.

Released: 2 October 2013
Closed: 31 October 2013

Submissions received are available on the Past Consultations page of the AHPRA website.

Draft accreditation standards and process

Released: 30 July 2013
Closed: 6 September 2013

The Chinese Medicine Accreditation Committee conducted a public consultation on draft accreditation standards for Chinese Medicine programs of study and the education providers offering them.

See the Chinese Medicine Accreditation Committee Past Accreditation Consultations page for more details.

Cross-Board consultation on common guidelines and shared Code of conduct

Released: 4 April 2013
Closed: 30 May 2013

The 14 National Boards in the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (the National Scheme) are consulting on the following proposed guidelines:

  • revisions to the Guidelines for advertising (common to all National Boards)
  • Social media policy (common to all National Boards), and
  • revisions to the Guidelines for mandatory notifications (common to all National Boards).

Most Boards are also consulting on a revised Code of conduct that is shared by 11 of the 14 National Boards, with some profession-specific modifications for some Boards (marked by an asterisk):

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Board of Australia 
  • Chinese Medicine Board of Australia* 
  • Chiropractic Board of Australia* 
  • Dental Board of Australia 
  • Medical Radiation Practice Board of Australia* 
  • Occupational Therapy Board of Australia 
  • Optometry Board of Australia* 
  • Osteopathy Board of Australia 
  • Pharmacy Board of Australia* 
  • Physiotherapy Board of Australia, and 
  • Podiatry Board of Australia.

The consultation paper below includes the revised guidelines that all National Boards are consulting on, and the shared Code of conduct that the Board is consulting on.

The Boards with profession specific codes are Psychology Board of Australia, Medical Board of Australia and Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. Only the Psychology Board is consulting on its code at this time; with Nursing and Midwifery and Medicine consulting separately at a later date.

Consultation paper on draft infection control guidelines specific to acupuncture practice

Released: 7 September 2012
Closed: 2 November 2012

Submissions received

Consultation paper on international criminal history checks

Released: 25 June 2012
Closed: 17 August 2012

Submissions received can be found here.

Guidelines for continuing professional development

The Chinese Medicine Board of Australia (the Board) released a consultation paper on proposed Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Guidelines.

The consultation paper sought feedback on:

1. Guidelines for Continuing Professional Development
These guidelines addresses issues such as what counts as CPD, an example of a CPD Record, formal and informal activities and the expected minimums, examples, language of CPD Activities, and recording your CPD activities.

Consultation Paper on Continuing Professional Development Guidelines (113 KB,PDF)

Released: 11 April 2012
Closed: 25 May 2012 

Submissions received

Call for Expressions of Interest – Accreditation Committee – March 2012


The Chinese Medicine Board of Australia (the Board) is responsible for the registration of Chinese medicine practitioners, setting professional standards and managing notifications (complaints) about Chinese medicine practitioners.

In June 2011 Australian Health Ministers agreed that the Board should assign accreditation arrangements for Chinese medicine. Under section 43 of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act (the National Law) as in force in each state and territory, accreditation functions can be performed by either an external accreditation entity or a committee established by the Board.

In July 2011 the Board was established, and at its first meeting considered a confidential report of 14 stakeholder submissions on preferred accreditation arrangements for the Chinese medicine profession. The Board decided to establish an Accreditation Committee to undertake accreditation functions.

Role of the Accreditation Committee

Section 42 of the National Law defines accreditation functions under the national scheme. In summary, these are:

  • development of accreditation standards to submit to the Board for approval
  • assessing programs of study and education providers
  • assessing overseas authorities
  • overseeing assessment of overseas qualified practitioners
  • making recommendations and giving advice to the National Board.

Consultation on Composition of Committee

From November 2011 to January 2012 the Board consulted on the appropriate composition of this committee. Sixteen submissions were received and all were considered by the Board. The Board decided:

  • The Committee will have five members plus a list of suitable persons to assist
  • The Committee will not have a community member
  • The Board will appoint a “Board Liaison Person” Expertise in e-learning is a standard knowledge requirement in academia now so this does not need to be a category of membership or selection criteria
  • The Board will call for expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced persons to be either on the committee or on the list; expressions of interest should address the specific selection criteria.
  • The Board will decide on final numbers and make suitable appointments from this process (taking into account a desire for gender balance and geographical distribution) based on the following categories:
    • Educationalist
    • Chinese medicine academic
    • Chinese medicine practitioner with experience in teaching

Call for Expressions of Interest - Accreditation Committee

The Chinese Medicine Board of Australia invited applications from interested persons to be appointed to an Accreditation Committee and a list of suitable persons to assist the Committee.

The Board sought confidential expressions of interest from persons in the following areas of work:

  • Educationalist
  • Chinese medicine academic
  • Chinese medicine practitioner with experience in teaching

Released: 26 March 2012
Closed: 30 April 2012

Selection criteria 

experience in course design and evaluation

  • familiarity with both the self-accrediting and non-self-accrediting sector
  • experience and currency in own field
  • experience in health and education regulation
  • experience with the complementary health sector
  • knowledge of international developments in Chinese medicine education and/or regulation
  • expertise in biomedical sciences subjects relevant to Chinese medicine programs
  • expertise in teaching and research
  • experience delivering a program approved by the Chinese Medicine Board of Victoria
  • formal qualifications in education
  • registration (or eligibility for)
  • availability for these duties  

Past Consultation on codes and guidelines

In November 2011 the Chinese Medicine Board of Australia (the Board) released a consultation paper on proposed Codes and Guidelines. The Board was interested in comments from a wide range of stakeholders and invited written submissions. Specific questions were put to elicit feedback.

Submissions received

Past consultation on accreditation

In November 2011 the Chinese Medicine Board of Australia (the Board) released a consultation paper on the composition of its Accreditation Committee. The Board was interested in comments from a wide range of stakeholders and invited written submissions. Specific questions were put to elicit feedback.

Submissions Received

Proposed registration standards

The Chinese Medicine Board of Australia (the Board) released a consultation paper on proposed registration standards for:

  1. Continuing professional development
  2. Criminal history
  3. English language skills
  4. Professional indemnity insurance (PII)
  5. Recency of practice

In addition, the Board also consulted on a draft grand-parenting registration standard.

Released: 5 September 2011
Closed: 10 October 2011

To review the consultation documents you can still click on the links below.

Submissions received 

ALBERTH, Michele (17.8 KB,PDF)
AN, Linda (14.2 KB,PDF)
AN, Yong (79.2 KB,PDF)
ASHAUER, Prem Sidika (23.7 KB,PDF)
Australian Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Association Ltd(621 KB,PDF)
Australian Chinese Traditional Orthopaedics Association Inc (163 KB,PDF)
Australian Institute of Applied Sciences (180 KB,PDF)
Australian Institute of Holistic Medicine (48.3 KB,PDF)
Australian Medical Association (88.9 KB,PDF)
Australian Natural Therapists Association (187 KB,PDF)
Australian Regional Health Group (230 KB,PDF)
Australian Self-Medication Industry (184 KB,PDF)
Australian Traditional-Medicine Society (1.13 MB,PDF)
Australian Traditional Medicine Society 2nd (813 KB,PDF)
AVENDISH, Julieanne (21.7 KB,PDF)

BAYLEY, Mark (18.1 KB,PDF)
BECKETT, Brigid (40.1 KB,PDF)
BELL, Cathy (17.3 KB,PDF)
BERLE, Christine (94.8 KB,PDF)
BEST, Richard (41.0 KB,PDF)
BISHOP, Chris (17.8 KB,PDF)
BLOEMHARD, Donne (12.9 KB,PDF)
BLUM, Michelle (23.0 KB,PDF)
BLYTH, Terry (15.9 KB,PDF)
BOND, Melissa (22.8 KB,PDF)
BONTEMPI, Maurizio (18.0 KB,PDF)
BOOTHROYD, Machelle (21.8 KB,PDF)
BRADFORD, Robert (18.2 KB,PDF)
BYRNES, Elvira (40.3 KB,PDF)

CAI, Shanna (57.6 KB,PDF)
CAO, Jingquan (51.4 KB,PDF)
CAREY, Damian (37.2 KB,PDF)
CARTER, Wendy (18.1 KB,PDF)
CELLA, Nicoletta (13.5 KB,PDF)
CHAN, Hio San (206 KB,PDF)
CHEN, Baigen (65.4 KB,PDF)
CHEN, Binglei (19.0 KB,PDF)
CHEN, Brenda (95.5 KB,PDF)
CHEN, Dr Liang Zhong (22.7 KB,PDF)
CHEN, Guo Dong (210 KB,PDF)
CHEN, Le (212 KB,PDF)
CHEN, Wenguang (103 KB,PDF)
CHENG, Marshal Mingcheng (32.0 KB,PDF)
CHIN, Tung (17.1 KB,PDF)
Chinese Medicine Association of Australia (147 KB,PDF)
Chinese Medicine Registration Board of Victoria (118 KB,PDF)
CHOU, Chia Ying (24.9 KB,PDF)
CICCIA, Jose (22.6 KB,PDF)
CISNEROS, Lucille (16.1 KB,PDF)
CLARK, Amanda (13.4 KB,PDF)
Chinese Medicine Industry Council of Australia Ltd (319 KB,PDF)
COLEIRO, Joseph George (29.9 KB,PDF)
Consumers' Federation of Australia (64.3 KB,PDF)
CORNER, Jacqueline (22.8 KB,PDF)
CRAIN, Mark (23.0 KB,PDF)
CROOK, Peter (12.9 KB,PDF)
CUI, Dr. Christine (125 KB,PDF)
CUI, Jing (282 KB,PDF)

DEBENHAM, James (34.0 KB,PDF)
DI NICOLA, Karen & Bruno (16.9 KB,PDF)
DICKMANN, Douglas (34.7 KB,PDF)
DIXON, Sheena (22.0 KB,PDF)
DOBLE, Anna (19.1 KB,PDF)
DONG, Jing Ming (198 KB,PDF)
DONNAN, Annette (50.5 KB,PDF)
DU, Angelina (19.0 KB,PDF)
DU, John (12.7 KB,PDF)
DU, Zhi Jian (18.0 KB,PDF)
DUNNING, Christine (22.7 KB,PDF)
DUONG, Kevin De (24.9 KB,PDF)

ECKERT, Claire (22.9 KB,PDF)
EDWARDS, Shane (31.8 KB,PDF)
ENGLISH, Dr Robert (82.4 KB,PDF)
FAN, Zhan Biao (71.9 KB,PDF)
FANG, Heather Hong (101 KB,PDF)
FAVIER, Peta (40.3 KB,PDF)
Federation of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Societies of Australia (FCMA) Ltd (5.10 MB,PDF)
Federation of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Societies of Australia - SA (4.08 MB,PDF)
FINN, Michael (51.8 KB,PDF)
FRANCIS, Nathan (55.2 KB,PDF)
FRANKLIN, Sarah (36.6 KB,PDF)
FU, Dali (88.2 KB,PDF)
FU, Xuqiong (22.1 KB,PDF)

GARTNER, Kaye (51.8 KB,PDF)
GEARING, Mark (71.9 KB,PDF)
GERAGHTY, Jarrod (22.4 KB,PDF)
GINNIVAN, David (22.4 KB,PDF)
GODFREY, Douglas (21.8 KB,PDF)
GODSON, Debra (21.4 KB,PDF)
GOELDI, Markus (12.6 KB,PDF)
GOODWIN, Emma (21.0 KB,PDF)
GORDON, Helen (17.8 KB,PDF)
GORT, Daniel (22.4 KB,PDF)
GRAHAM, Tina (18.8 KB,PDF)
GRAHAM, Tony (208 KB,PDF)
GU, Sherman (45.3 KB,PDF)
GUO, Shuohua (17.1 KB,PDF)

HERMAN Michael (385 KB,PDF)
HAGAN, John (21.1 KB,PDF)
HALL, Li Min (70.2 KB,PDF)
HAMACHER, Sigrid (19.1 KB,PDF)
HANSSEN, Peter (17.9 KB,PDF)
HARDING, Dr Errol John (16.9 KB,PDF)
HARRIS, Michael (22.7 KB,PDF)
HARTMANN, David (23.2 KB,PDF)
HE, Daniel Song (20.6 KB,PDF)
Health Quality and Complaints Commission Queensland (116 KB,PDF)
Health Services Commissioner Victoria (38.5 KB,PDF)
HERBISON, Mary (21.5 KB,PDF)
HILLIER, Byron (19.4 KB,PDF)
HOGAN, Bernadette (24.3 KB,PDF)
HOLDEN, Lisa (22.0 KB,PDF)
HOLMES, Jill (40.3 KB,PDF)
HONG, Hae-Uk (26.1 KB,PDF) 
HU, Hui Ling (89.0 KB,PDF)
HUANG, Celia (Xiang Xin) (21.8 KB,PDF)
HUANG, Darien (19.1 KB,PDF)
HUANG, Fei (23.7 KB,PDF)
HUANG, Hao (213 KB,PDF)
HUANG, Hua (58.5 KB,PDF)
HUANG, Tao (58.4 KB,PDF)
HUANG, Weiguang (24.0 KB,PDF)
HUANG, Zhi (23.4 KB,PDF)
HUANG, Zi Jian (214 KB,PDF)
HUANG, Zi Yi (214 KB,PDF)
HUO, Xiao Bing (272 KB,PDF)

Insurance Council of Australia (75.4 KB,PDF)

JACKSON, Dyanne (87.7 KB,PDF)
JAMES, Wade (46.6 KB,PDF)
JIANG, Guangchi (53.9 KB,PDF)
JIN, Chun Lan (281 KB,PDF)
JIN, Maorong (16.9 KB,PDF)
JIN, Ya Qin (194 KB,PDF)
JOHNSTON, Fiona (22.9 KB,PDF)
JONEIDI, Dr Majid (19.1 KB,PDF)

KAN, Yin Na (12.6 KB,PDF)
KERSHAW, Lynne (50.9 KB,PDF)
Kewenma (124 KB,PDF)
KHAKI, Bahar (22.6 KB,PDF)
KHATIBI, Susan (19.4 KB,PDF)
KIM, Juhyun (58.9 KB,PDF)
KINGTON, Peter (130 KB,PDF)
KIRNER, Gail (40.7 KB,PDF)
KOEDOOD, Jolanda (277 KB,PDF)
KOH, Andrew (77.0 KB,PDF)
KOH, Jinny (3.37 MB,PDF)
KUANG, Kellio (21.8 KB,PDF)
KUM, Yang Chao (276 KB,PDF)
KWOK, Lindy (23.6 KB,PDF)
KWOK, Yuet Lung (218 KB,PDF)

LAI, S H (51.3 KB,PDF)
LAM, Chunghoi (1.52 MB,PDF)
LAN, Gufei (89.1 KB,PDF)
LANGMAN, Elke (77.7 KB,PDF)
LANGNEL, David (22.3 KB,PDF)
LARRAIN, Sylvia Flores (22.5 KB,PDF)
LAU, Albert (90.2 KB,PDF)
LAU, Alexander (276 KB,PDF)
LAW, Wai Ming (90.8 KB,PDF)
LE GROS, John (33.9 KB,PDF)
LEE, Alister (127 KB,PDF)
LEE, Anthony (76.2 KB,PDF)
LEE, Carey Fern (22.4 KB,PDF)
LEE, Carey (17.2 KB,PDF)
LEE, Jui Yuan (48.3 KB,PDF)
LEE, Kim (18.7 KB,PDF)
LEE, Kitae (41.9 KB,PDF)
LEE, Leanne (136 KB,PDF)
LEE, Yuk Kuen (19.3 KB,PDF)
LENG, Xuejuan (Jane) (23.8 KB,PDF)
LEONG, Yoke Yeng (273 KB,PDF)
LI, Li Rong (67.3 KB,PDF)
LI, Paul (96.2 KB,PDF)
LI, Pei Wei David (17.7 KB,PDF)
LI, Xiao Ning (25.0 KB,PDF)
LI, Yan (46.9 KB,PDF)
LI, Yilan (21.0 KB,PDF)
LIANG, Dr Ying Lin (382 KB,PDF)
LIANG, Fang (58.9 KB,PDF)
LIANG, Xian Zhi (276 KB,PDF)
LIANG, Xiao-Gang (24.9 KB,PDF)
LI-CANTWELL, Ying Shu (49.1 KB,PDF)
LIN, Din Pei (275 KB,PDF)
LIN, George Q. Z. (20.4 KB,PDF)
LIN, Professor Tzi Chiang (88.4 KB,PDF)
LING, He Xiao (280 KB,PDF)
LIU, Chang (209 KB,PDF)
LIU, Dr. Chi Jing (314 KB,PDF)
LIU, Han Biao (37.1 KB,PDF)
LIU, Jianfeng (23.6 KB,PDF)
LIU, Li (28.4 KB,PDF)
LIU, Lisa (29.6 KB,PDF)
LIU, Louie Q (365 KB,PDF)
LIU, Mei Hua (556 KB,PDF)
LIU, Ping (585 KB,PDF)
LIU, Tian Hui (40.6 KB,PDF)
LIU, Xuejian (68.0 KB,PDF)
LIU, Yan (23.7 KB,PDF)
LIU, Ying (39.8 KB,PDF)
LOIZOU, Nicola R (64.5 KB,PDF)
LOU, Louis (170 KB,PDF)
LU, Min (18.9 KB,PDF)
LU, Philip Qing (44.2 KB,PDF)
LUO, Kexuan (43.6 KB,PDF)

MA, Karen (296 KB,PDF)
MA, Kening (19.0 KB,PDF)
MACDONALD, Nicola (35.9 KB,PDF)
MAN, Siu Chung (275 KB,PDF)
MATFIN, Andrew (23.3 KB,PDF)
MCLEOD, Paul (22.5 KB,PDF)
MCNAB, Patricia (21.1 KB,PDF)
MEI, Ming (22.5 KB,PDF)
MINGCHEN, Marshall Chen (100 KB,PDF)
MO, Li Hua (2.09 MB,PDF)
MOORE, Amber (45.7 KB,PDF)
MURPHY, Jenny (18.6 KB,PDF)

NAKAGIRI, Tomoko (22.7 KB,PDF)
NEGRO, Martine (48.9 KB,PDF)
NEWBOLD, Heather (22.7 KB,PDF)
NITSCHKE, Darryl (48.0 KB,PDF)
NITSCHKE, Helen (22.3 KB,PDF)
Northern Territory Department of Health (72.9 KB,PDF)
NSW Association of Chinese Medicine (966 KB,PDF)
NSW Health Care Complaints Commission (54.4 KB,PDF)

ONG, KK (25.1 KB,PDF)
OU, Feng Hai (281 KB,PDF)

P.I. Direct Insurance Brokers (47.2 KB,PDF)
PAN, Meiqi (61.2 KB,PDF)
PARRIS, Tom (47.7 KB,PDF)
PENG, Kerry (22.8 KB,PDF)
PENG, Peter Liu (97.2 KB,PDF)
PENG, Raymond R. J. (22.5 KB,PDF)
PERIS, Jasmine (19.4 KB,PDF)
PILATO, Gino Lo (384 KB,PDF)
PING, Chen (36.9 KB,PDF)
PRIEST, Dr Astrid (14.2 KB,PDF)

Public Health Association Australia (467 KB,PDF)

QI, Qian (46.7 KB,PDF)
QIAN, Min (19.0 KB,PDF)
QIAN, Susan (21.5 KB,PDF)
QIN, Haifeng (218 KB,PDF)

RALLINGS, Sharon (18.0 KB,PDF)
Raswann (17.9 KB,PDF)
REAL-GIBBS, Michele (21.8 KB,PDF)
RECK, Teresa (21.1 KB,PDF)
REES, Meikin (25.0 KB,PDF)
RIENITS, Suzanne (23.6 KB,PDF)
RMIT University (518 KB,PDF)
ROBINSON, James M. (38.7 KB,PDF)
ROBSON, Greg (22.1 KB,PDF)
ROCKETT, Esther (29.0 KB,PDF)
RUI, Guo Ming (604 KB,PDF)
RUSSELL, Ian (70.5 KB,PDF)
RUSSELL, Michelle (70.5 KB,PDF)

SEIPEL, Kelly (26.2 KB,PDF)
SELVEY, Warwick (13.4 KB,PDF)
SHAO, Hong Fen (Helen) (90.8 KB,PDF)
SHEARER, Jeff (22.1 KB,PDF)
SHI, Hong (230 KB,PDF)
SHI, Ping (24.0 KB,PDF)
SHIH, Neil Min Hung (18.2 KB,PDF)
SIAH, Vicky (276 KB,PDF)
SILICH, Russell (19.5 KB,PDF)
SIMPSON, Walter (23.1 KB,PDF)
SMIT, Sonia (37.6 KB,PDF)
SMITH, Jimi (20.4 KB,PDF)
Society of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture (ACT) (2.63 MB,PDF)
Society of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture (QLD) (1.90 MB,PDF)
Society of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture (VIC) (768 KB,PDF)
SOMERVILLE, Damian (47.6 KB,PDF)
STAATS, Jean-Paul (56.5 KB,PDF)
STAATS, Kristina (18.7 KB,PDF)
STEWART, Andrew (18.0 KB,PDF)
STRZALEK, Maria (12.6 KB,PDF)
Student Group (1.18 MB,PDF)
SUN, Leanne (280 KB,PDF)
SUN, Yong (59.1 KB,PDF)
SUPPLE, Brendon (22.6 KB,PDF)
SWEETING, Chantel and Geoff (22.1 KB,PDF)
Sydney Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine (2.55 MB,PDF)

TAM, Kitty (68.4 KB,PDF)
TAN, Tan (201 KB,PDF)
TANG, Jie (17.6 KB,PDF)
TEDD, Linda (50.2 KB,PDF)
THOMPSON, John (38.2 KB,PDF)
TIAN, Ying (45.6 KB,PDF)

University of Western Sydney (702 KB,PDF)

VAIL, Julia (24.8 KB,PDF)
VARDANEGA, Nicole (14.4 KB,PDF)
VERDEL, Robyn (18.9 KB,PDF)

WALDMAN, Daniel (42.6 KB,PDF)
WANG, Baofu (278 KB,PDF)
WANG, Bin (19.3 KB,PDF)
WANG, Chongxin (33.6 KB,PDF)
WANG, Daisy (208 KB,PDF)
WANG, Qin (276 KB,PDF)
WANG, Rebecca (175 KB,PDF)
WANG, Rui (19.5 KB,PDF)
WANG, Xuefeng (39.8 KB,PDF)
WANG, Yanping (22.2 KB,PDF)
WANG, Yi (270 KB,PDF)
WATSON, Kerry (21.9 KB,PDF)
WEI, Wei (279 KB,PDF)
WEN, Zhuo Jun (730 KB,PDF)
WICKS Fiona (3.58 MB,PDF)
WILCOX, Patsy (41.3 KB,PDF)
WILSON, Tim (23.2 KB,PDF)
WONG, Shiu Wah (281 KB,PDF)
WOOD, Domenique (42.6 KB,PDF)
WOODS, Katherine (18.7 KB,PDF)
WU, Bin (101 KB,PDF)
WU, Jianning (203 KB,PDF)
WU, Yang Sheng (87.1 KB,PDF)

XIA, Cathy (393 KB,PDF)
XIA, Jing (67.8 KB,PDF)
XIAN, Shao Ping (33.3 KB,PDF)
XIE, Min Xing Harry (102 KB,PDF)
XIE, Xiao Yun (208 KB,PDF)
XIN, Junzeng (23.5 KB,PDF)
XU, Chaoji (274 KB,PDF)
XU, Hong (51.3 KB,PDF)
XU, Hui (52.4 KB,PDF)
XU, Tongxin (1.37 MB,PDF)
XUAN, Xiaoling (200 KB,PDF)

YAM, Kim-Wah (35.7 KB,PDF)
YANG, Ching Long (17.3 KB,PDF)
YANG, Fenglin (212 KB,PDF)
YANG, Hongqing (401 KB,PDF)
YANG, Ming (18.1 KB,PDF)
YANG, Qiu Li (22.1 KB,PDF)
YAO, Jicheng (275 KB,PDF)
YASUKAWA, Sally (24.9 KB,PDF)
YE, Lu (275 KB,PDF)
YE, Zhuang (58.7 KB,PDF)
YEUNG, Michael (26.3 KB,PDF)
YIN, Jackson Y (52.7 KB,PDF)
YONG, Christina (49.1 KB,PDF)
YOO, Bung Wook (116 KB,PDF)
YU, Kenneth (24.3 KB,PDF)
YU, Xiao Ping (18.2 KB,PDF)
YUAN, Xiao Yong (25.3 KB,PDF)

ZHANG, Hai Yong (100 KB,PDF)
ZHANG, Hao (99.9 KB,PDF)
ZHANG, Le (68.5 KB,PDF)
ZHANG, Min (393 KB,PDF)
ZHANG, Pei (188 KB,PDF)
ZHANG, Qui-Ji (280 KB,PDF)
ZHANG, Yanjuan (18.8 KB,PDF)
ZHANG, Yuan Yuan (19.2 KB,PDF)
ZHANG, Zhen (279 KB,PDF)
ZHAO, Yong (22.1 KB,PDF)
ZHENG, Jinghua (20.4 KB,PDF)
ZHOU, Hong (133 KB,PDF)
ZHOU, Kang (23.5 KB,PDF)
ZHOU, Min (36.8 KB,PDF)
ZHU, Hui Ming (1.19 MB,PDF)

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Page reviewed 7/08/2024